Monday, May 3, 2010

School is coming to a close

and I am so happy about that. I took my final exam in Music Appreciation today, and I have my final in Am. Hist. II on Thursday. I really don't like that class and have been struggling with it for some time. I'm praying that I pass the final and pass the class so I won't have to retake it. I really don't like that class, I can't say that enough. Anyway, in anticipation of having free weekends again, in between spending time with my babies of course, I have a new project in mind. First I want to show you all a pic of the desk and hutch I bought at a yard sale the other day for my sewing room/closet. I should've took a pic of what the closet looked like before this, but just imagine the black totes from the bottom pic in place of the desk and hutch with my sewing machine on top of it, and me sitting on another tote in front of it to sew. Remember all my sewing goodies are in storage in NC. So this is my new sewing room. It's actually a closet but I love it more as my sewing room.
Okay so now here is the project I plan to work on this weekend for my baby, I am so excited too. I fancied up some socks for her and made a few headbands, but I haven't really gotten into my sewing since we moved here, and I'm having symptoms of withdrawal. I must sew something, soon. I already have some fabric on hand and an old t-shirt just begging to be re-purposed. Will show you all the finished product.


Linda in Arkansas said...

OMG! I can so relate!! I'm so glad school is almost over then we can play with our sewing. May 20 is our last day. Just a couple more papers to write and one more exam! YAY!! said...

Just wanted to come by and visit. Thanks for my blog! Good luck with the end of school, and I hope you have some awesome travels too! Let me know where your going, I'd love to read about your adventures!