Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Snatch Joy!

Today is Wednesday, otherwise known as humpday, and boy am I glad. That means the weekend will soon be here, which always flys by, and the children will be back in school on Monday. WOOHOO!! I love being with my babies, but me being in class while they're on Easter break has not been easy. Instead of coming to my quiet home where I can study in peace, there's laughing children and playful noise. LOL, don't get me wrong, I love it; but there are some times when you need a little peace and quiet. Well, not this week. So I decided last night that I would not worry too much about studying for the test in American History II that I have tomorrow, and just enjoy spending time with my babies. We must snatch joy whenever possible. You all have a blessed day!



Kaye said...

You are so right Carlota, take the enjotment and fun whiule you can, they grow up too fast

Barb said...

You are so right.....

Linda in Arkansas said...

Oh do I understand. I have to write a paper on women, sports and the media. Hard to do with laughing children around - they are so darn cute and distracting! And here I am posting on your site instead of doing my homework! LOL!!

My Army Brats and Me said...

Check out my giveaway