Wednesday, January 6, 2010

CGQC January Project

It's time to submit my first project for the CGQC. So I decided my first project will be a country heart candle mat. This is also a project for another group I'm in. I figured I'll combine the two since my fabric stash is in NC. I'll have to make it to the quilt shop by this weekend. Oh, and I found out there's a Hancock Fabrics about 20 min. away. I need to go by there and get some notions. I really dislike having to buy these things over again. But, it's cheaper than driving 10 hours to NC to get them out of storage. Anyway, that's my project for the quilt club. I'll have to come back and post pics of the fabric once I get to the quilt shop.


Kelly@ Charming Chatter said...

Sounds very cute -- can't wait to see it! And, have a blast shopping!

Shakerwood said...

Good luck with getting your project finished! Bummer about having to buy everything again. Can someone ship it to you?

Linda in Arkansas said...

Hopefully you won't have to buy too many things again. Somehow I've ended up with double of stuff and I haven't even moved! I lived for about 5 years in Fayetteville, NC. I still miss it - and it's been over 20 years.

Linda in Calif.